Welcome to Bible Chapel. Below you will find a description of what you
can expect for a
typical Sunday Morning service at Bible Chapel.
We are a multicultural, multigenerational, family friendly church. We do not have a dress code but people generally dress in casual to business-casual. People are friendly and eager to make visitors feel welcome!
Fall / Winter / Spring
8:30am Prayer Meeting
9:30am Sunday School
10:30am Worship Service
9:30am Prayer Meeting
10:30am Worship Service
We sing a blend of old and new hymns and choruses. As a congregation we emphasize singing the glories of God in Christ and are therefore selective in our song choices and musical arrangements.
Our service begins at 10:30am. During this time, we sing several songs, pray, hear Scripture read, and give our tithes and offerings. We have a nursery for your children, however, we welcome them into the service so you are able to worship as a family.
We rotate between teaching a series on a particular topic to teaching through a book of the Bible (called expository preaching). We alternate between the Old and New Testaments.
On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate Communion as a congregation of believers during which time we invite all baptized Christians to participate.